More Scots are coming!

These are some of the new Hebridean-Norse figures who will be joining the other Scots already in our catalogue. They are currently at Kickstarter stage and have about 12 days to go. These chaps represent the Norse invaders that occupied the Western Isles of Scotland...

The Scots infantry are in the catalogue

The Kickstarter campaign to get the Scots production molds made reached its goal and all backers have received their orders. The figures are now in the medieval catalogue and there are pictures of all of them there. It was the first ever Kickstarter we had run and we...

At Last The Spanish

Well this seems to have taken a lot longer than I originally intended, but at last the AWI Spanish are available and on the website! Here’s a couple of pictures of some that I painted a couple of weeks ago. This was the first time in a very long time that I...

The Jersey Blues

It has taken a while, but I recently managed to get around to painting up a couple of 12 figure units of the New Jersey Regiment, the Jersey Blues, for the French and Indian Wars period. Why did I pick this regiment? Nothing scientific, I just liked the uniform. And,...